I Am Womxn

Navigating through being a non-binary being who identified as a woman not long ago, I created I’m Womxn project to portray the impact of patriarchy where we’ve been robbed of our places on the table, referred to as weak and loud, instilled this constant fear of being sexually harassed, raped and silenced, men having to sit and make decisions governing our bodies and erasing our consent with jokes like ‘a womxn’s no means yes’ well as purging into our safe spaces demanding for inclusion.

I’m Womxn is an ongoing project exploring the empowerment and unity that has been and is being built through sisterhoods and feminism, creating safe spaces and movements for us, by us, teaching each other about boundaries, emphasizing consent, encouraging one another to take up space, suppressing the fear of silence and embracing vulnerability as well as entwining the majestic black femxle body, celebrating it with authority, pride, beauty and ownership, all for us in acknowledgment the journey of womxnhood as we breakthrough from the patriarchal grip.

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Through the Cracks (2021)


I am not my Trauma (2020)